• Make Changes to a Saved Workout

    As we mentioned in the articles about the home screen and training log, you can always look back on your completed workouts. If you find that something is wrong, maybe you registered a weight wrong, or you forgot to save your workout when you were done and saved it a…

  • The Home Screen

    The start page of the app is packed with information. Here is a short explanation of all its features. First, all the widgets at the start page are moveable – just tap and hold on to a widget, and all the boxes will start wiggling. Drag and drop them in…

  • Body Weight and Body Measurements

    If you want to track your body weight or measurements – we got you covered! From your home screen – tap the small icon of a person in the upper right corner, and you’ll get to the overview of the different measurements you can track. By tapping one of these…

  • How to Set up a Goal

    We offer six different types of goals: 1–3: How to Set Up a Total Reps/Weight/Sets Goal 4: Number of Workouts 5-6. Personal Record (PR) and Estimated 1RM

  • Dark Mode / Light Mode

    When you download our app, it will be in dark mode automatically. But if you prefer it bright and shiny over dark and mysterious – just go to the settings page and toggle it off.

  • Minigames

    The Name Game Start a new workout and click on + Special set, then Minigames. Pick Name Game. Type in your name and see how the workout will look in your preview. When you’re done, tap Generate workout and the entire block of the name game will be added to…

  • Mark Sets as Fails or Max Reps

    As we went through in this article, it’s possible to use RPE/RiR in your training – but there are more ways to log maximum efforts if you’re not into RPE or RiR. In this article, we’ll go through the functions Max Reps and Fails. What’s the Difference between Max Reps…

  • How to Plan a Workout for Later

    Did you know that it’s possible to plan your workouts for later? Here’s how! Click on the + sign in the bottom menu Choose Plan a workout Plan the workout! The default inputs when you add a set will be weights and reps but it’s also possible to use some…

  • Remove Old Personal Records

    As we have been through in earlier articles, the app stores all your personal records for you. But what if you notice that some of the records are incorrect? Here is how you remove it. How to Remove a Record Go to the statistics tab, and click on Records. Scroll,…

  • Personal Records and Yearly Records

    One of the perks of registering your training in our app is that it will keep track of your personal bests for you – and notify you when you manage to hit a new one. As shown above, the app notifies you that you’ve managed to hit a Yearly Record…