One of the perks of registering your training in our app is that it will keep track of your personal bests for you – and notify you when you manage to hit a new one.

As shown above, the app notifies you that you’ve managed to hit a Yearly Record (YR!) on your third set and a Personal Best (PR!) on your fourth. These tiny marks will show up whenever you hit a new record in any exercise. If you want to take a closer look at all your personal/yearly best – just tap the three dots to the right of the exercise, and pick Records.
When you open up the records page, you’ll see one tab for each year and one with your all time-records (i.e., your PR’s). Further, if you tap one of the records – you’ll see a graph of how your progress has been for just that type of RM. In the example below, we’ll have a closer look at the 4RM’s, and the progress will be shown both as a graph and as a list.

Missing a record, or want to delete one? See this article on how to add a new record, and this one on how to delete them.